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Vitamin C For Kids - 250mg Gummies

Vitamin C For Kids - 250mg Gummies

Regular price $13.99
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Looking after your children’s health is a full-time job and we’re here to make it just a little bit easier.

Vitamin C is famous for its role in boosting our health for a reason. It has a key role in the daily battle we have protecting our bodies from the microbes that make us sick.

However - many people don’t know that vitamin C does so much more for us. From the growth and repair of bodily tissues to the formation of collagen - we need this vitamin to operate and recover in many different ways.


The problem that many parents face is that tablets are extremely unappealing to small children - making every dosage a daily negotiation. Why not avoid this troublesome task and get your Vit C in a form that they’ll adore so you can focus on everything else.

It’s time to make healthy choices and a fun experience that the whole family can enjoy!


  • BOOSTS CHILDRENS’ HEALTH - Vitamin C is best known for its vital role in supporting our immune defense system. However - there is so much more that this micronutrient provides us with that’s especially important during childrens’ development. From the absorption of iron to the maintenance of bones and teeth - it’s the perfect all-rounder for improving your child’s health.
  • VEGAN FRIENDLY AND GLUTEN FREE - We want everyone to love our gummies so ensure that they are free from any animal products. That means they’re vegetarian and vegan friendly. These healthy treats are easy on the stomach with no gluten so you can share them among friends with peace of mind!
  • DOCTOR RECOMMENDED - Get ready to munch down on a sweet treat that doesn’t bite back. Our gummies are designed for daily consumption. They’re easy on the taste buds and your enamel - so carry on snacking guilt-free! Take it from the pros with a doctor-recommended product.
  • GREAT TASTE AND NATURAL FLAVORS - There’s nothing better than the fresh - juicy taste of a ripe orange. We want your children to get their daily dose of Vitamin C the way nature intended. So your kids can safely enjoy the zesty orange taste they know so well.
  • SIMPLE AND DELICIOUS SERVING METHOD - Save yourself the daily struggle of trying to get children to take large and awkward pills. They’ll love their daily gummy delight - turning a chore into a treat. Powdered forms of Vitamin C can become a headache to serve and tricky to dose correctly. So skip the hassle and try yummy gummies carefully dosed
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